Like every individual on this planet, a book has its own story to tell. Each story, taking its reader to a different world, where the present plays no role. Reading a book is like being in a state of trance, re-living what another individual lived or fancied. What one feels while reading a book is so unique, that no two individuals can feel the same way. This feeling can’t even be explained in all its totality. Some books are so beautiful, it can change the life of the reader, giving him a whole new perspective. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” This phrase applies to other aspects of life as well. Every individual is unique and there no telling what they have to say by just looking at them. You never know what’s in the pages of a book, it could be the book that you wish to read over and over again, like its the first time.


1. Reading can help prevent Alzheimer’s.
A recent study found that people who read are two and a half times less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Syndrome later on in life. Although this does not mean that reading will prevent the disease, it proves a slight relationship between reading and prevention.

2. Being a reader means you’re more likely to learn something new every day.
Reading frequently does actually make you smarter. Not only does it help you retain knowledge, but it helps you to remember that knowledge later on in life. Whether or not you realize it, reading stockpiles your brain with new information, and you never know when it may come in handy.

3. People who read are more likely to vote, exercise, and be more cultural.
A study by the National Endowment for the arts concluded that reading makes you more engaged throughout life, taking advantage of any activities that may spring up during your life.

4. Reading can be therapeutic.
According to Cristel Russell, a behavioral researcher, reading can help with any stress or turmoil occurring in your life. If you’re going through a break-up, or simply just need to relax, try a new book.

5. Reading enhances your memory.
Every time you read something new, your brain ‘makes room’ to fit it in. With these new spaces, you can take advantage of any new information that may arise.

6. Reading actually does make you seem stunning, especially to women.
A study found that reading makes you seem more intelligent, which is looked upon favorably by women. So, the more you read, the more appealing you will become!

7. Reading helps to boost your analytical thinking.
Reading helps you to recognize various patterns that occur in writing. If you are looking for a law or medicine career, this is important!

8. Reading expands your vocabulary, so you’ll sound like a genius.
The more you read, the more words you will come across. The more often you read these words, the more likely you are to understand them, and use them in your own writing and speaking.

9. Fiction books increase your ability to empathize with others.
A study done by the University of Buffalo has concluded that access to possible realities and fictional story lines opens you up to new emotions and feelings. It also helps you to empathize with people, by understanding different cultures.

10. People who read are more likely to get ahead when it comes to their careers, and life in general.
Honor Wilson-Fletcher said that reading “opens doors and makes life easier, so at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you read. What’s more, it really can make you feel good!” This is very true, and it outlines how important it is to read, if you want to live a successful life.


Reading books to our little brothers,sisters,nephews and niece makes them an interesting person in their later life. It improves or even cultivates a new sort of habit in them of listening, memory power, writing and knowledge. Here are a few famous baby books.

Twinkle, Twinkle: An Animal Lover’s Mother Goose, by Bobbi Fabian

Mother Goose is perfect for newborns because it has the da-ta-da-ta-da-ta-da rhythms that mimic a mother’s heartbeat. This collection features clever, charming photo collages of animals in the starring roles

The Baby’s Lap Book, by Kay Chorao

This classic collection of nursery rhymes — from “Jack and Jill” to  “Three Little Kittens” — features realistic pastel drawings. The soothing cadence of the rhymes can calm babies or you can focus on the nonsense lyrics to inspire giggles or coos if you make a game out of it.

Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book

The good “doctor” provides a collection of sassy, witty poem-stories that rollick and rhyme in a way sure to satisfy your newborn’s preference for singsong verse. P

The Three Bears Rhyme Book, by Jane Yolen

Jane Yolen spins the tale of the Three Bears in lilting verse. Start reading this to a newborn and he’ll already know one classic by the time you introduce stories with plots. The warm illustrations are pure pleasure for the adult reader as well, offering colored-pencil realism with a watercolor wash.

Black on White, by Tana Hoban

Featuring simple black illustrations on a white background, this book offers high-contrast images for an infant’s developing eyes. As your baby gets older, he’ll start identifying the images with the words you read — leaf, key, ring, bib, and so on.


The Shiva Trilogy by Amish for me will always represent that whiff of freshness that stormed the Indian literary scene that is  nearly choking with love since 2010. The mythological – historical – adventure – fiction series is all but immortalised as one of the trend changers amongst Indian books and Indian publishing as a whole. The series is creative, out-of-the-box and very much Indian. That exactly could be the reason why Amish is the latest rockstar of Indian writing in English (I mean that apart from the fact that he decided to be the CEO of his book.)


A real man, with a trident, hair in locks, rudraksh beads and battle scars. Displayed on the bestsellers self. That was my first rendezvous with Amish’s Shiva. The cover looked interesting and the punchline, “The Story of the man, whom legend turned into a god” was punching enough to land the book into my buying cart.


No matter what we do in life, a clear strategy always will always boost your chances of success tenfold. Whether that be running a business, running a marathon, or running for president, it’s important to have clear steps on exactly how you will achieve this.And what better way to do that than reading a book. The font of all knowledge can be found across millions of pages, and luckily for you we’ve narrowed it down to five titles that’ll see you a poker-playing, Entrepreneurial, fitness-freak in no time.


“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” said Marcus Tallies Cicero. Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird feeling and you become convinced that the world will never be normal until and unless all the human beings read that book. There is a famous quote “ Books are man’s best friend.” Every book takes a reader in a different journey that unravels the mystery and excitement within.

First writing was started in wax tablets, which were, made of wax and could be reused again. Then came the scrolls, which was portable and easily used for communication. Then came up the codex, the first form of books. The first book was the Diamond Sutra which was a codex made in China. From this we have developed books for kids to old people. Bamboo_book_-_binding_-_UCR

We find ourselves saying “So many books, so little time!” quite often, don’t we? That is because the books, which are being published today, and the books, which were published generations before, are countless. Literature, they say, tends to amaze man. “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” said Mark Twain. He was right. More so than he knew, probably. “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot. Books are introduced to us from the time we were babies. This is something that most of us don’t realize. We start looking at pictures, illustrations, alphabets etc. before we join school itself. When they are born they are likely to see only black and white patterns till three months. baby_2

Believe it or not, by the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language. The more stories you read aloud, the more words your child will be exposed to and the better he or she will be able to talk. board-book-2

Hearing words helps to build a rich network of words in a baby’s brain. Kids whose parents frequently read to them know more words by age 2 than children who have not been read to. And kids who are read to during their early years are more likely to learn to read at the right time. There are different types of books for babies and toddlers. Few types are: Rhymes, board books, activity books, picture books, alphabets etc. babies-and-books

Next come books for children. Some children lose interest in reading books once they are in 3rd grade or so. This is a time when parents must ask them to read on a monthly basis at least because Books help kids develop basic language skills and profoundly expand their vocabularies. You see, books are interactive; they demand that kids think and concentrate. Books are viewed as entertainment for children but actually every book contains a lesson secretly wrapped in it. Books help children to open up, to move beyond self-absorption and connect to other people. Those are one of the main reasons why children need to read books. Again, there are many types of books. Children’s age group is vast.But let’s make it simple, shall we?


Kids of age 3-6 generally read fairy tales, fantasy, folklore, etc. 6-12 are usually Enid Blyton addicts. They read fictions, short stories, moral stories etc. In the early stage of childhood kids read all fairy tales.


Eventually when the kids grow they get a little matured, read fictions and comics. ec6ee4bf890aa93d2a2333a40de07f5a-2

We all know how many mood swings a teenager goes through. Been there, gone through that. Books, which are preachy and filled with morals usually, set teenagers off. Books, which have a lot of interesting characters, new stories and different themes, are very well liked by teens. Books such as Harry Potter have revolutionized the whole “teens reads” concept. Teenagers consider books as the soul mates. An important component of anyone’s life in their teenager stage is only books. They read pulp fiction, science fiction, thriller, horror, romance, action, fantasy, etc.,  We know most of the teenagers read about the ancient stories like the mahabaratham, about the Vedas, Ramayana, etc.,


Adults have such a hectic lifestyle. Job, health occupies a major portion in their brain and they rarely have time for anything else. But it is necessary that adults much catch up on their reading once in awhile. A book transports you to someplace else. During a hectic day, reading a book at night is the most relaxing thing one can think of. In terms of fiction or non-fiction, there are endless stories that can both broaden your understanding of the world or help you get through a sticking point in your life. Those who read have been known to have more finely-tuned brains than those who prefer more passive activities, so anyone hoping to improve their mind psychologically might want to think about taking up the habit of regular reading.


Types of books for adults is usually Adult fiction, philosophy, books on various subjects, research books etc. Old age. Your hair is greying. You cannot walk without a stick. It is difficult to go anywhere without company. People ignore you while playing, even if it is a board game. But even when you are extremely old, you know what never changes? Books. They still take you back in time and transport you to some place else. They still are true to you and treat you the same. They never bore you and are always with you. So better make sure that you have good eyesight when you become old! old-books

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King Now that you have read the above facts about books in different times of our lives, you must know one important thing: Age is not really a factor. That doesn’t make the above information useless. We just wanted to categorize books based on the age factor. We know many kids who read philosophical books, research books etc. We also know many old people who love-reading comic books, fiction etc. Books are a great blessing. They are useful to us in many ways. Apart from giving us the apt knowledge, they can even be our best friends. When we are in trouble, books stand by us and give us the right advice, which makes a person to thing beyond the normal circumstances and gives him the peace of mind. Books are the best companions with whose presence a person never feels alone. Some books not only act as companion but also are the reason behind some people’s life for achieving great things in life. They fill our minds with noble thoughts. They improve our minds and awaken our souls. They act as a friend, philosopher, guide etc.

Books cannot be divided as just the above. The division of books are vast. We have spiritual books such as vedas, the bible, qur’an etc., Children must be made to read those books as it would give them an idea about their religion, culture and tradition.We have business books which teach students the concepts of trading, administration, etc., The books on business help students crack the CAT. Now the next important category of books are sports. Sports plays a major role in a child’s as well as a adult’s life today. We are influenced by sport’s stars and most of us respect them. Sports books and sports magazines are of much value these days. There are also many other categories under books such as food books, research books, politics, studies related books, books on facts, etc.,


“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ― Ernest Hemingway. Aside from the primary purpose of reading them, books are also used for other ends: A book can be an artistic artifact, a piece of art; this is sometimes known as an artist’s book. A reader or professional writer to create a book review may evaluate a book. A book may be read by a group of people to use as a spark. Never forget, “A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.” –Neil Gaiman. Read, read a lot. Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.